TODDY Cold Brew System - Cold Brew Cupping Kit

46.400 KD

New! The Toddy® Cold Brew Cupping Kit is the industry’s first cold brew evaluation solution designed to brew small batch sizes for comparative sensory analysis. By enabling side-by-side sample comparisons, the smaller brewing vessels facilitate accurate tasting techniques while minimizing the potential waste sometimes associated with onboarding a cold brew program.

 تودي كولد بروو كبينق. لتجربة و تقييم الكولد بروو مصمم لتحضير كمية قليلة لمقارنة الوصفات بنظام تقييم حسي بين العينات . 

:تحوي العلبة على
٣ أوعية تحضير مع اغطية
٣ سلات فلتر
٢٤ فلتر ورقي

When used in conjunction with the Toddy® Cold Brew Cupping Protocol and Cupping Form, the kit simplifies the method of cold brew cupping, controlling other variables to help you focus on the flavor profiles. 

In the Box:

  • 3 brewing vessels and lids
  • 3 filter baskets
  • tongs
  • 24 single-use filters (12 paper and 12 tree free)

Food Safety Features:

  • All metal parts are constructed from brewer’s grade (304/CF8) stainless steel.
  • Brewing vessel is made from high-quality borosilicate glass.
  • Filter basket nests into the lid when inverted to keep surfaces dry and sanitary.
  • The system uses single use, compostable filters (rather than metal mesh screens that are prone to clogs).