For the creative spirits, the rebels, those cut from a different cloth and go against the grain,
we present to you our newest Special Edition Nanopresso, the Dark Souls.
Beneath its rather intimidating appearance, the Dark Souls Edition knows how to charm.
Decorated with an elegant enamel patch and embellished with fine golden-colored lines all
around its body, its luxurious finishing seduces.
As fascinating as intriguing, the unique edgy and sarcastic skull symbols,
, emphasize
the exceptional espresso quality delivered by the Nanopresso. A drink with killer sensations
where coffee's body and aromas are just out of this world.
After all, a life with mediocre espressos is unbearable. Coffee is a cheat code helping go
through the days, like the apotropaic power of a skull tattoo on a biker's forearm helping!fool
death. So it better be extraordinary, bold, and surprising... and this is exactly what the Dark
Souls Edition is.
The Dark Souls!illustration is created by Wacaco Design Team with the help of the French
Designer/Artist SteF.