Royal Brew Nitro Cold Brew Coffee Maker Keg (128 Oz)

89.000 KD From 50.000 KD

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Now you can enjoy the great taste of Nitro Brew coffee, without paying the price of a coffee shop visit each time! Enjoy unlimited home brews with the Royal Brew 128 Oz Nitro Cold Brew Coffee Machine and Dispenser. This keg is perfect for dispensing cold brew coffee, or any other nitrogen beverage. Plus, you will love the ease of pouring cup after cup of fresh, cold brew coffee right on tap! By adding Nitrous Oxide or Nitrogen, your drink will taste better and stay fresh MUCH longer!

Adding Nitrous Oxide or Nitrogen to your cold brew coffee helps to reduce the acidity of traditional cold brews and enhances taste along with delivering a thicker, velvety texture that is easier on your stomach. The Royal Brew Nitro Cold Brew system is compatible with Nitrous Oxide or N (Nitrogen) Cartridges. For maximum foam, use the Ultra Pure-Whip Nitrous Oxide 8g cartridges (2 per batch for 128 oz keg). Nitrous oxide adds a slightly sweet taste and you only need to use 2. For a classic stout flavor without the added sweetening, instead use 4 x Nitrogen cartridges by Best Whip (or similar brand). For maximum foam, be sure to shake the keg well (10-15 seconds) after each cartridge and to wait a minimum of 20 minutes between each cartridge. Make sure to shake the keg every 24 hours to extend the life of the nitrogen cartridge.

The Royal Brew Nitrogen Coffee Machine includes a food grade stainless steel 128 oz keg, a steel spout with a plastic tap handle, a coffee spear, and essential tools for effortless use and cleaning. The coffee spear features a pressure relieving safety valve that will release excess gas once the pressure within the keg has reached 75PSI. In addition, this kit is designed just like classic stout dispensing systems, featuring a special beverage gas blend and stout faucet that work together to create a super-smooth, rich body with a foamy top similar to your favorite draught. Best of all, you can enjoy a frothy iced coffee without the need of creamer, dairy, or sweeteners!